Promoted Listings Express

What is Promoted Listings Express?

Promoted Listings Express lets you boost visibility for your auction-style listings with just a few clicks. Pay one flat fee upfront and your listing could appear in sponsored ads on similar listings’ pages.

Promoted Listings Express is available to all sellers whose seller level is Above Standard or Top Rated with enough account activity.

Did you know?

Auctions that used Promoted Listings Express got an average of 52% more views when promoted.*

*Estimated based on data surveyed from United States market December 2021 – January 2022.

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Benefits for sellers

Reach the right buyers

Get your listing in the right place, at the right time. With Promoted Listings Express, your ads can appear on similar listings’ pages so they can be seen by more buyers.

Improve your chance of a sale

More visibility means more views, which increases your chances of a sale.

Pay one flat fee per item

With simple tiered pricing, you don’t have to worry about how to price your ad.

Eligibility criteria

There are a few eligibility requirements to use Promoted Listings Express.

Your listings need to:
  • Be auction listings
  • Can be in any category other than Vehicles, Real Estate, Travel, or other select categories
You need to be an active seller in good standing, which means:
  • Your seller level is Above Standard or Top Rated
  • You have enough account activity

Promote your listings

You can promote your auction-style listings when creating or editing a listing, from the Promote it banner, or from the item menu. If your item is eligible, you’ll see an option to use Promoted Listings Express in the following places:

Creating or editing a listing

Depending on eligibility, you’ll see an option to promote your listing while creating a new listing or right after listing an item. You may also see an option to promote your listing when editing an item.

My eBay Selling Overview and Active pages

Select the “Promote it” banner on top of eligible listings on the My eBay Selling Overview and Active pages to promote your listing.

Item menu

On the My eBay Active page, when you click on the menu next to your item, eligible listings will have an option to “Promote listing”.

Ad report

Tip: You can monitor your listing’s performance from the eBay app by selecting “View ad report” from the item menu of a listing promoted with Promoted Listings Express.

FAQ: Promoted Listings Express

There are multiple ways in which you can promote your items:

  • From within Seller Hub:
      • The “Sell It Faster” option in Seller Hub allows you to quickly promote one or more items. Simply check the box, choose your ad rate, and add your listings to an existing campaign or start a new one.
  • Using campaign manager: Go to the advertising dashboard, click on Create campaign and choose one of the options below:
      • Simple listing selection:
        • To promote visually through a guided experience.
        • Select the listings available to promote.
        • Set your ad rate.
        • Review and launch your campaign.
      • Bulk listing selection:
        • For consistent inventory with low turnover rates.
        • Upload in bulk with a .csv file, or use category selection.
        • Set your ad rate.
        • Review and launch your campaign.
      • Creating rules (automated campaigns):
        • Use filters to create your rules.
        • Choose your ad rate strategy.
        • Review the rules you’ve set and launch your campaign.
  • Using third party listing tools:
      • Check with your third party tool provider.
  • By setting up your own API access:
    • Register for the eBay Developers Program.
    • Create an eBay Developer Program account and read best practices.
    • Read the Marketing API Overview and Marketing API Technical Reference.
    • Build integration and Terms & Conditions acceptance flow.
    • Test and launch.


Note: There is no limit to the number of items a seller can promote or campaigns a seller can set up. Campaigns can have up to 50,000 listings in one campaign.

Promoted Listings Standard does not show listings that are not active—whether sold, expired, or ended. If an item was previously promoted and has sold, expired or ended and you ‘Sell Similar’ or relist that item, it will be automatically promoted and inherit its previous Promoted Listings Standard settings.

Note: Multi-quantity Good ‘Til Cancelled listings remain promoted until removed from their campaigns.

Editing a campaign

You can edit the campaign name and end date on the dashboard by moving your cursor over the field and typing in the revised name and date.

To edit listings and or ad rate:

If you used the Simple listing selection option to create your Promoted Listings Standard campaign:

  1. Click the campaign name from your campaign grid to go to your campaign dashboard.
  2. From there, you can update your campaign’s name, listings, and ad rate strategy.

If you used the Bulk listing selection option to create your Promoted Listings Standard campaign:

  1. Click the campaign name from your campaign grid to go to your campaign dashboard
  2. From there, you can update your campaign’s name, listings, and ad rate strategy.


Note: Editing listings will still be via .csv upload. Large files may take up to an hour for the changes to be reflected.

If you used the Automated option to create an automated campaign:

  1. Click the Edit link next to the campaign you wish to edit.
  2. From here, you can edit your ad rate strategy only.
  3. If you want to edit your listing rules, please end your campaign and create a new one with your desired rule.

Recommended listings are those with the highest potential to benefit from being promoted, due to the marketplace trends like buyer demand and the competition in the item’s category. eBay recommends to promote those listings first, although you can still promote any of your eligible listings for greater visibility.

The eBay Marketplace is a dynamic environment. A number of factors can cause a sudden increase or decrease in your Promoted Listings Standard visibility, clicks, or sales. They include:


  • Buyer traffic or demand for a certain item
  • Seasonality
  • Changes to the competitive landscape (e.g., other sellers start or stop promoting items in the same category and/or make significant changes to their ad rates)
  • Third parties, such as a brand manufacturer, choosing to start or stop promoting certain items
  • Issues with your account (e.g., high claim rates, breaches of eBay’s third party fulfilment policy, VeRO violations)
  • General platform improvements and quality thresholds


If you observe any unusual activity, please contact eBay customer service through “Help & Contact” or via the “Give us feedback” option in the campaign manager.

Next Steps
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