Product identifiers

What are product identifiers?

Product identifiers are unique codes that are used to identify specific products. They work like barcodes, just with more descriptors. Including them can help buyers find what they’re looking for, and improve your listing’s visibility by prompting them to appear in search engine results. Here are some ways to boost your listing’s visibility.

What are product identifiers?

Product identifiers are unique codes that are used to identify specific products. They work like barcodes, just with more descriptors. Including them can help buyers find what they’re looking for, and improve your listing’s visibility by prompting them to appear in search engine results. Here are some ways to boost your listing’s visibility.

Product identifiers

When listing new or manufacturer-refurbished items, the following product identifiers MUST be used. This also applies to relisted, revised and Good-Til-Cancelled listings.


Manufacturer Part Number (MPN)

Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) , Universal Product Code (UPC) , European Article Numbers (EANs) , International Standard Book Numbers (ISBNs)

You can either

(A) categorise your products through our matching catalogue

(B) list them under the Add item specifics section

If you are selling uncategorised items with no product identifiers (e.g. unbranded items, your own products, etc.) you can select ‘Does not apply’ in order to complete your listing. Note: these uncategorised items are less likely to be viewed.

You can either

(A) categorise your products through our matching catalogue


(B) list them under the Add item specifics section

If you are selling uncategorised items with no product identifiers (e.g. unbranded items, your own products, etc.) you can select ‘Does not apply’ in order to complete your listing. Note: these uncategorised items are less likely to be viewed.

How to add Product identifiers?

Just follow through and fill out the fields as you create your listing.

Hot tip

Check your listings for missing product identifiers. Go to the Seller Hub and use eBay’s bulk listing and editing tool to update all your existing listings in one go.

How to add Product identifiers?

Hot tip

Check your listings for missing product identifiers. Go to the Seller Hub and use eBay’s bulk listing and editing tool to update all your existing listings in one go.

Next Steps
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