Improve your listings - Overview

Improve your listings - Overview

How to create listing with variations

If you sell similar items that are only slightly different, choose listings with variations.

Improve your search ranking with item specifics

The more specific you are, the easier it will be for the buyer to make a purchase.

Highly successful photo habits

Lights! Camera! Action! Even inanimate objects love the spotlight.

Photography tutorial

Learn how to take great product photos for your listings straight from an expert.

Adding videos to your listing

Video descriptions tell a clearer story about what you are selling.

Item description

Describing your item truthfully can help you avoid INAD disputes. 

Effective listing titles

Describe your item honestly but add a dash of dazzle and watch it shine.

Product identifiers

Like an identity card, items have identifiers too. Here’s how to list your item with their correct identifiers.

How to list faster with business policies

Business policies are important because they let buyers know your terms from the start.