Create your first eBay listing

Take the first step in becoming an eBay seller

eBay has introduced a streamlined listing tool with advanced features. Below you will find a detailed guide on how to use it for listing your items.

Prepare product photo, size, price and shipping details

Before listing your item, prepare all information that necessary to be input on the listing form. 

1. start by describing what you’re selling,

upload the photos,

select the brand 

physical details about the item,

upload the photos,

select the brand 

physical details about the item,

upload the photos,

select the brand 

physical details about the item,

2. choose whether to use the auction or fixed price format, and set a price.

3. select which shipping options will be available to the buyer,

4. select a return policy, and how you want to receive payment.

Determine selling market

If you intend to sell on main market of eBay, goes to and login. If you are targeting more customer in Australia, you can go to and if you are wiling to tap in UK based buyer, proceed to and lasty for Germany potential customers. 

Click the create listing button and start the process

You can find the Create listing button on the Listings tab of the Seller Hub in My eBay. After clicking the button, you will be redirected to the Sell Your Item form. Open it in a new window and split your screen so that you can follow the guide as you read it.

Prepare product photo, size, price and shipping details

Before listing your item, prepare all information that necessary to be input on the listing form. 

1. start by describing what you’re selling,

upload the photos,

select the brand 

physical details about the item,

upload the photos,

select the brand 

physical details about the item,

upload the photos,

select the brand 

physical details about the item,

2. choose whether to use the auction or fixed price format, and set a price.

3. select which shipping options will be available to the buyer,

4. select a return policy, and how you want to receive payment.

Determine selling market

If you intend to sell on main market of eBay, goes to and login. If you are targeting more customer in Australia, you can go to and if you are wiling to tap in UK based buyer, proceed to and lasty for Germany potential customers. 

Click the create listing button and start the process

You can find the Create listing button on the Listings tab of the Seller Hub in My eBay. After clicking the button, you will be redirected to the Sell Your Item form. Open it in a new window and split your screen so that you can follow the guide as you read it.

Here’s some extra help!

Click here for a step-by-step guide on creating your first listing  OR  follow the step-by-step video below

Part 1 – Getting Started

Tell us what you’re selling

Part 2 – Listing details

Don’t be stingy with your listing details

Part 3 – Selling details

Make sure the selling details are clear and accurate

Part 4 – Shipping details

Be clear with your shipping details